The uniqueness in this celebration of the newly-wedded Leia and Steve can truly put anyone into high spirits. I was immediately caught in awe as I could only imagine how much fun this wedding must have been. This wedding truly captured a reflection of Leia and Steve's wonderful relationship as they now become one. We wish them the very best as they turn to a new chapter in their lives together.
Here we step into the bold, tropical Maya Hotel in Long Beach, California. The lush and colorful vibe, Latin American culture inspiration, and a killer view of the Queen Mary, Shoreline Village, and so much more. What's not to love? Check out the Maya Hotel and give your special event a unique and creative experience! Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California Maya HotelLong Beach, California